Voter Resources
Prepare for the Upcoming Election
Get registered, find out when and where to vote, understand who is on the ballot
Download the ‘NY Voter Guide’ to get ready
Get Involved
Voting With A Criminal Record or If Incarcerated/Awaiting Trial
In New York, “A new law passed in 2021, restores the right to vote for a person convicted of a felony upon release from incarceration, regardless of if they are on parole or have a term of post-release supervision. If a convicted felon is not incarcerated, they are eligible to register to vote.”
Understand voter qualifications and read frequently asked questions
Follow the step by step guide to get registered and informed
In New Jersey, any person who is no longer in prison or on parole or probation, can register to vote. For more information about Voter Restoration, read this handbook.
In Connecticut, a person is eligible to have their voting privileges restored upon release from incarceration in a correctional institution. For more information about Voter Restoration, read this guide.
Voter Suppression or Discrimination
Know your rights and what to do if you encounter voter suppression, intimidation or discrimination of any kind
Become A Poll Worker
Your Vote Matters Year Around!
Stay informed about federal, state and local elections and remember to vote!
Learn More
New York
Important Dates to Know
October 26: Voter registration online submission and mailed request deadline
October 26: Early voting and absentee ballot online and mailed request deadline
October 26 - November 3: Early voting
November 4: Absentee ballot in-person application deadline
November 5: Absentee ballot in-person delivery deadline
November 5: General Election Day
Who Is On The Ballot
Unsure if You’re Already Registered?
Use the official site of the State of New York, Board of Elections to confirm whether or not you are a registered NY voter and follow the step-by-step NY Voter Guide.
New Jersey
Important Dates to Know
October 15: Voter Registration Deadline for the General Election
October 26: Request for Vote-by-Mail ballot deadline. Your Vote-By-Mail ballot CANNOT be returned to your In-Person Early Voting Poll Location or your Election Day Poll Location.
October 26 - November 3: Early voting for General Election
November 5: General Election Day
November 5: Your vote-by-mail ballot MUST be postmarked on or before 8:00 p.m. on Election Day and be received by your county’s Board of Elections on or before the sixth day after the close of the polls.
Unsure if You’re Already Registered?
Use the official site of the State of New Jersey, Division of Election to confirm whether or not you are a registered NJ voter
Important Dates to Know
October 18: Voter Registration deadline, received or postmarked
October 21 to November 3: Early Voting period
November 4: Absentee Ballot Request submitted
November 5: General Election Day
November 5: Absentee Ballot Return Deadline for In-Person, Post Received by 8:00pm, or Received in Dropbox by 8:00pm
Unsure if You’re Already Registered?
Use the official site of the State of Connecticut, Secretary of State to confirm whether or not you are a registered CT voter
Fact Checking Information
Need to Confirm Info?
Sites like FactCheck.org and Snopes.com are helpful to confirm information